Monday, 2 February 2015


Jacket | Dotti | Top | Portmans | Leggings | Pinclove | Bag | Colette Hayman | Shoes | Michael Kors | Hat | Dotti | 

No, your not hallucinating and this, in fact, is an outfit post. I wore this outfit to lunch with my Mum and her friends the other day, we sipped on our lattes while stuffing our faces with cakes; it's safe to say that we reached our daily sugar intake! Personally, I love this outfit so much because not only can it be worn anywhere (semi-formal/casual) but because the leggings I wore in this outfit don't only look amazing but are sooooo comfortable! The material is extremely soft and slightly stretchy, like all legging material tends to be. The bag that accompanied me in this outfit was given to me on Christmas by my dear brother (you can check out his blog here), and it is one of the most chic bags I own! The phase 'MORE ISSUES THAN VOGUE' describes me, and a lot of other girls out there, perfectly. 

I hope you guys like this outfit and the slightly different style of photography I did this time round. Let me know in the comments below on what you think. 

Sheryl x


  1. awesome style! I love your blog <33
    & You're so beautiful xx
